6 Figure Dropshipping Mastery Review (Justin Painter Course)

If you’ve seen Justin Painter’s YouTube channel, then you’re probably aware of the course released by him. Seeing how you’re here, you’re probably also thinking about getting it.

Let’s take a look at the content it offers before you make a choice on spending your $297 or not on this course.

Who’s the author?

Justin is a young, 19 years old, an entrepreneur who’s found success with dropshipping. He claims that by the end of 2018, he had made $107,000 with a dropshipping store on Shopify. Mind you, this was back when he was 18.

Now, remember that YouTubers talk about revenue figures, not actual profits. You need to pay for your subscriptions, plugins, and more importantly, marketing if you want to make sales, and that’s what is often left out when showing revenue figures. However, that’s still an impressive number for an 18 years old.

Justin’s YouTube channel does offer nice content and value if you’re interested in dropshipping. Of course, since he has a course, you can’t expect to learn any of his personals strategies and methods for making real money. Most YouTube channels work as funnels to get you interested in the course.

His topics include niche recommendations, how to sell a store, and general recommendations. He also has an interview with a student who made $23,000 on the first month. There’s also a very entertaining series of him creating a brand new store and scaling it to $1,000 in 2 weeks.

About 6 Figure Dropshipping Mastery

This course is more of a blueprint: Justin takes you through the same steps he takes when creating a store.

He says he can find products that always make him $10,000 monthly as a minimum, but that’s more than just a bold statement. When dropshipping, you always need to test the products you find, and even the most successful dropshippers have to do so.

Anyways, the program lets you see how he builds a store from zero. I do have to give him props for this approach, because it makes the process a lot more entertaining and practical than just explaining the how-to.

Finally, Justin says he won’t keep anything to himself, which is fairly obvious. That’s why he doesn’t give any insight into his own techniques and strategies on his YouTube channel. Some people might frown upon this, but it’s what everyone does. No one has an obligation to give away their experience for nothing in exchange.

Reviewing 6 Figure Dropshipping Mastery

You have 8 modules in this course, and all the lessons are videos, so don’t worry about having to read lengthy PDFs. The videos vary quite a bit in length; the shortest are around 2 minutes, but the longest video is 25.


Justin uses 3 videos to welcome you to his program, giving you the expectations you might have, some tips on how to apply the knowledge, and some legal disclaimers.

Dropshipping fundamentals

You have about 40 minutes spread between 10 videos here, with an average around 3 minutes per video. You learn about how to find a niche, products, and reputable suppliers in AliExpress. On that note, you also learn how to ensure faster shipping times.

There’s also content on your store’s branding. You learn how to choose the right name for your eCommerce, which you shouldn’t take lightly as branding is vital in dropshipping. The same goes for the video about creating a logo.

The final video gives you a few advertising tips.

Store building

This section is a bit over an hour long and sports 14 videos. Again, most videos are about 3 minutes, but here’s that 25-minute video I mentioned earlier. That video is the one showing you how you should set up your store.

Among the topics, we have Facebook Pixel setup, how to add your products, properly naming your items, how to price properly, and how to create good descriptions.

It also explains how to get the best quality photos for your listings, choosing a Shopify subscription, finding and linking your domain, checkouts, etc.

You also get some recommendations regarding the apps you probably want to use. However, I’d recommend you get a good premium theme that offers the same features as these apps. You can pay for a single theme and save up money you would’ve spent on several apps.

Instagram marketing

This is another hour-or-so-long video, with 15 different videos. Again, most videos average around 3 minutes, and the longest one just grazes the 12-minute mark.

You learn here how you set up a page on Instagram, finding good influencers, how to reach out and negotiate with them for business, and what you should be paying them.

Other videos go into doing your own marketing: when you should post, scaling, and using sales funnels on your ads. You also have a video about influencer marketing on YouTube.

Note that influencers are benefitting greatly from eCommerce businesses, so their prices will keep going up with time, so you want to get to them as soon as you can. If you can form positive relationships with a few, you can save tons of money down the road.

Facebook Ads

This module lasts around 45 minutes with 10 videos. It starts off with an intro to the platform and how campaigns work.

You then learn about different tools you can use and how to test your products. There are a couple of strategies as well: lookalike audiences and retargeting. It ends with how to scale your ads once successful.

However, it’s a disappointingly thin module on such an important platform, so be ready to research quite a bit on your own if you want success.

Solutions to common issues

This is section has 7 videos, and it’s a fairly short module. It was one of the most enjoyable for me, though; I find these types of videos very entertaining.

As for the content and value, it’s an OK section. It deals with really common problems, and I bet every dropshipper will face at least 1 or 2 of the problems discussed here. Personally, I’ve faced over half of them while starting out.

You learn about taxes, order fulfillment, LLC, hiring virtual assistants, and automating your ads. It’s not much, but it’s a nice section.

Selling a store

There are 6 videos in the penultimate module, and you’ll learn how and when you should sell your store. Justin talks about how to list your offer, how to determine the best price, and you have a small guide about flipping stores.

However, don’t mind this if you’re a newbie. Focus on growing and scaling your business before thinking about selling your store. It’s something you might never even do.

From 0 to $55,000

The final section lasts about 30 minutes, and you have 9 videos in total. It’s a really interesting case study of Justin starting out a store and building it from scratch; you can use it to follow the process.

This was the section I enjoyed the most, I think. I really like case studies, and while you shouldn’t replicate what he does here to the letter, it’s filled with tips and insight into how to build and run a successful store.

Final Verdict

Is It Worth It? Final Verdict

This was a pretty good course. Justin does know a lot about the business, provides good material, and he’s a pretty good teacher for what you get, so it’s easy to follow his lessons.

However, there’s still a lot missing here. I can let it slip because he’s just 19, and while he does know a lot and teaches well, he still needs to learn a bit more if he wants to be an expert on the subject.

On that note, a better option is eCom Elites. I won’t say you shouldn’t buy this course since it isn’t bad by any means, but eCom Elites is still the best eCommerce program I’ve seen. It’s just $197 for the cheapest package, and it has over 200 videos and dozens of different marketing strategies you can use to find success.

I hope you found this review useful and if you have any questions, please comment down below. I’ll be more than happy to assist you.

Once again, thanks for reading my 6 Figure Dropshipping Mastery Review and I wish you the best of luck.


Hey, I am Mike and I am a full-time affiliate marketer! Nowadays there’s a lot of people promoting guru courses and overall bad software products. I am absolutely tired of people pushing their overpriced and crappy products and courses out to everyone to take advantage of you. My mission is to review and call out bad products, software, and courses whilst recommending only the best there is! You can read a little more about my journey  here!

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