Shopify Ninja Masterclass Review (Kevin David Course)

Shopify Ninja Masterclass is one of the most popular courses available for those looking to start their first Shopify business. Back when it first launched, it costed around $2,000, but you might be able to grab it at a discount today depending on when you register.

However, that’s not the point. Today, we’ll be reviewing Kevin’s course to see if it really lives up to its fame or if it’s just another course you should skip.

Who’s the author?

Kevin is an online entrepreneur with varied interests. He’s known to have used the FBA platform from Amazon, and he has plenty of experience in dropshipping and affiliate marketing in general.

He’s stated repeatedly how he makes a 7-figure living every month thanks to his Shopify stores, and his YouTube channel is fairly popular as well.

I’ve seen some of his videos, and I must admit he really knows his stuff. You can see from any video how he sells his available products, and his sales page can impress many newcomers for good reason.

This course costed me $997, lowered from the $2,000 initial release. While it’s quite less, it’s still an expensive course, especially given other courses available for less than $300 like eCom Elites.

Reviewing Shopify Ninja Masterclass

Paying the membership gives you full and unlimited access to the entire course, so that’s a plus for me. However, I was expecting a lot more content after seeing the price tag. That doesn’t mean you get little, though; it’s still a lot when you compare it with your standard dropshipping course today.

All videos are HD, and the sound quality is excellent as well, so you won’t miss the knowledge given. That’s another plus for him; many courses feel like the author has problems delivering the message and content, but Kevin definitely isn’t the case.

The course splits into 5 modules that include researching products and suppliers, setting up a website, marketing your business, and scaling once you start getting sales. There’s also a handful of bonuses.

The bonuses get updated regularly. They’re also fairly good, covering different themes, but they’re fairly short, so don’t take them as the sole reason to take this course.

Module 1

It works as an introduction as well, with a short video intro with Kevin explaining how the course works. Don’t worry about the Power Point part of the video; it doesn’t repeat later.

After that, you go into how to find a good niche for your business plus what you should avoid in this business model. It’s the first video with actual content, and it splits the screen in half with Kevin on one side and the content on the other. He uses Word files for discussing the points, and the details are quite deep.

Then you learn about finding suppliers through AliExpress. An important note here is that AliExpress is the only method he recommends, so people looking for local suppliers will lose this video.

There’s a video on using different website extensions for making the entire process easier like Trend Hunter.

There’s another video on a few tricks from Kevin for finding some best-selling businesses around the globe for product mimicking. Another tool he recommends for finding products is Intelligynce, so that’s another plus.

You also get 3 videos focused on finding products using different methods like Amazon, Shopify apps, and other online tools for researching Shopify stores.

Finally, there’s some content on free tools like Thieve and mere Google for more products. The last video on the module is for beginners, practically holding their hands through the entire process and explaining each step.

Module 2

This was a bit of a letdown. Most courses handle supplier content poorly, with just a few going past AliExpress. Shopify Ninja is one of those, unfortunately, and this module focuses solely on AliExpress, with the first video explaining how to protect your account from bans using AliPay; this was at least a good video since there’s a strong chance for that if you start processing many orders.

There’s a video telling you how you can contact suppliers, and another one explains how you can deal with them to get the best price you can and care for your profit margins.

There’s finally a script for you to download and adapt for contacting suppliers. It’s just before a video detailing the process to order a sample of your product for testing before starting to sell it.

Module 3

This module focuses on setting up a store on Shopify, so it’s great for beginners thanks to the many videos it has on the subject. You get 15 videos in total, detailing the whole creation process.

It teaches you how to start the Shopify free trial before going into Google Analytics’ installation and set up. There’s also content on all the sections you’ll need like reviews, opt-ins, timers, and different useful plugins.

While it is a great choice, you can also skip most of this module by buying the eCom Turbo theme and just customize the different templates it offers.

Module 4

Kevin’s favored marketing channel is Facebook Ads, and this module focuses on it. It’s still good since Facebook is the preferred solution for paid traffic.

The first video is a guide for setting up your ads. The next one is a general introduction of the vocabulary inside Facebook and the different terms used for marketing through the platform. Terms like PPE and WC may make little sense, but Kevin does a good job at explaining them in this video.

Kevin offers you his 3 principles for succeeding with this platform.

The next video shows you how you can master your objectives and determine how long should your ads last. Then, he teaches you about using audiences for targeting your efforts towards those who are more likely to buy.

There’s further talk on targeting goals, but some of the things explained here is fairly outdated, so you’ll have to wait until Kevin updates this section for the new Facebook interface and other changes he hasn’t addressed.

There’s also ad optimization, retargeting, Influencers, social proof, and more on Facebook.

Finally, he squeezes in some content on Instagram and blog marketing using influencers, and he touches on email marketing as well. These additional videos are better for beginners, though. He doesn’t go into much depth, so intermediates will learn little from it.

The last video is a step-by-step video on setting up a campaign on Facebook for students to follow the entire process, and it’s a neat way to finish the module.

Module 5

The last module is all about what to do after you start seeing a stable stream of sales and profits. It explains how you can scale your eCommerce and expand it. It offers some very interesting videos, and even I learned a couple of things I hadn’t really thought before I got into this course.

You’ll also learn how to read and interpret Google Analytics and turning them to your benefit by studying your audience’s behavior with detailed reports. There’s also stuff on using insights and learning from where your customers are coming.

Admittedly, this is some rather basic content, and any standard or good eCommerce course has this content. However, it’s still a good addition to the course, and it could save a beginner who didn’t know any of this before taking the course or people with little knowledge about Google Analytics.

The last videos cover a range of topics on how to scale your Facebook Ads campaigns and efforts.

You learn about creating lookalike audiences on the platform and how you can use the Facebook Pixel for retargeting your ads towards potential customers. It has some content on personalized URL audiences by using different tools like Rocket link.

It has a pretty good touch on implementing customer service on-page for your business. Customer services is one of the most important and strong tools for your business, so I’m always happy to see it expanded on any course. You also learn about hiring Vas (virtual assistants) to make your and your customers’ lives easier.

Finally, you also learn about a few ways to boost your conversions and sales with underestimated tools like Snapchat and Manychat. It’s a great addition due to how many courses completely ignore these methods, so props to Kevin.


As I already said, the bonuses are quite short and shouldn’t make or break your decision towards buying this course or not.

However, they’re still a nice addition, and they get regular updates to keep them fresh and add some new stuff. Do note that, while they’re definitely interesting, they do include a lot of affiliate links, so it’s easy to feel like Kevin just added them to get an extra income instead of actually adding value.

They’re good, nonetheless, and fairly varied.

There are a few PDFs guides on finding niches, setting up a made to order venture, and using ClickFunnels to create sales funnels. They are 13, 3, and 2 pages respectively, so definitely interesting, but not game-changing.

There are also a few videos on finding trends, creating a print-on-demand business, and how to increase sales with ClickFunnels (mostly expanding on the PDF).

There’s a shared URL as well at the time I got this course, and it’s a ready-to-use funnel for you to download and implement into your website. I wouldn’t use this if I were you, though. Everyone getting the course has access to it, so it’s already overused and won’t work a lot for you.

Private Facebook Group

As usual, there’s a Facebook group for the students. You can use it to contact Kevin himself as well as other members to solve inquiries, and there’s actually quite a bit of content and interesting discussions here from the many members in it.


You have 2 weeks to ask for a refund, but you need to follow the process since a change of mind isn’t enough for them to provide a refund.

Final Verdict

Is It Worth It? Final Verdict

This is actually a great course, and it’s a great alternative to courses like eCom Elites. I did pay around $800 more, and it was at a discount.

If you pay the full price, it’ll be nearly $1,800 more that you could otherwise spend on marketing. However, if you have the money and don’t want eCom Elites for any reason, this is a good choice.

I hope you found this review useful and if you have any questions, please comment down below. I’ll be more than happy to assist you.

Once again, thanks for reading my Shopify Ninja Masterclass Review and I wish you the best of luck.


Hey, I am Mike and I am a full-time affiliate marketer! Nowadays there’s a lot of people promoting guru courses and overall bad software products. I am absolutely tired of people pushing their overpriced and crappy products and courses out to everyone to take advantage of you. My mission is to review and call out bad products, software, and courses whilst recommending only the best there is! You can read a little more about my journey  here!

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