Shopify Dropshipping Academy Review (Gabriel Dias Course)

If you follow different dropshippers on Instagram like me, you’ve probably seen Gabriel’s promotions for his course. Today, we’ll take a look at it and what it offers to decide if it’s really worth the $697 it’s asking.

The course claims to be an introduction to a precise formula that will net you a successful eCommerce store, using the dropshipping model. It teaches you how to find products, build your store, promote your business, and automate the necessary processes.

Who’s the author?

Gabriel is one of the youngest entrepreneurs we’ve reviewed, with just 16 years of age. He’s from the US and has found success with dropshipping like many other youngsters. However, he has some business background since he started middle school 3 years ago. It’s your typical teenage entrepreneurship: door-to-door’s, car washing, and fish breading are cited.

He’s been a featured guest in different publications like Influencive and Entrepreneur Magazine. The former is a website focused on business and lifestyle, and the latter seems to be just a brief bio featured on an article I haven’t found yet.

Gabriel has been the owner of several stores that he manages until they’ve scaled enough to sell. He’s the founder of Dias eCommerce, which is the father company of all these stores, and he also runs Dias Consulting, which centers around the different courses and mentorships, starting with this one.

If you know him, then it’s probably from Instagram. He has more than 26,000 followers on his personal account. He uses this account to promote the program we’re reviewing today, and the rest of the content is just about his lifestyle.

That’s pretty much everything you can find about Gabriel. He isn’t on YouTube nor has a personal website, so it’s quite difficult to verify his claims.

Reviewing Shopify Dropshipping Academy

This is a Teachables course, so you can pay and access the material from the same platform. It’s divided into 5 modules covering different topics. Each one covers one general step of building your venture.

While it costs $697, the price might vary depending on your location and taxes. For instance, UK students have a 20$ VAT over the initial fee.


It’s your standard course intro. You’re introduced to what you should expect to learn and do after finishing the program, Gabriel’s story and his results, which are supposed to be motivational.

Luckily, all videos last less than 5 minutes, so it’s over quickly.

Starting out

This is your first module with business-relevant information, and you get 3 documents you can download right away. You have a list of suppliers, your Shopify trial, and a free theme.

As for the actual videos, it starts off with how to start setting up your store with Shopify, including the backend, configurations, and apps you want to help with your business.

There are videos on product research with a few examples of winning products that you can use to see how the criteria is met; just don’t think you can start selling this since they’re probably saturated. You also learn how to import them with Oberlo.

There’s also a video with an example item that supposedly made Gabriel 6 figures. Again, this isn’t something to replicate, but it’s entertaining, and you can imitate the principles shown.

The module closes with how to personalize your products and the more common issues faced by customers.

Earning credibility

This is about building trust with your audience and why your site is paramount to get conversions.

Basically, you learn how to make your site attractive, getting trust badges and removing the Shopify link on your site, a few psychological suggestions you can use, and getting a professional-looking logo without spending.

Getting traffic

The 4th module goes into marketing. It starts off with how to create a convincing profile on Instagram before going into free traffic.

After that, it goes into paid advertising with both Instagram and Facebook. You learn how to use FB’s ad manager, setting up your pixel, and releasing your first ad.

There’s also content on product testing, how to get positive returns on your investment, and how to use lookalikes.

You have 2 scripts for downloading: one for reaching out to influencers and a “split-profit” for Instagram marketing.

Final tune-ups

This is the last core module of the course, and it touches on a few strategies you can use once you start getting a regular income for scaling your store.

The first ones are Instagram strategies before order fulfillment and cashbacks between 8% and 11% on every fulfilled order.

You also have some lessons about automation, like hiring virtual assistants and how they help you automate your processes. The module closes with videos about the legal side of things, like how taxes work, how to start an LLC, and a few of Gabriel’s opinions about PayPal.


The bonus module offers several videos explaining assorted topics that (according to Gabriel) couldn’t fit into any other section.

You receive some recommended spying tools before learning how to handle refunds, a bit on email marketing for abandonment, and how to sell your store. You also learn what you should do about products that don’t sell, a mindset video on productivity, and a list of 500 successful stores on Shopify.


The small print at the bottom of the sales page states that there are no refunds for this course.

Final Verdict

Is It Worth It? Final Verdict

Regardless of his age, the content is too little for the price you’re paying. You also see lessons that you can easily find for free on YouTube with even more depth than here. Every module is just too short, and they lack depth.

Besides, the lack of refunds combined with the content makes me distrust Gabriel a lot.

Besides, for $500 less, you can get eCom Elites, which is the best eCommerce course I’ve found so far. It covers everything here with a lot more depth, and it also has dozens of marketing strategies explained through more than 200 videos.

I hope you found this review useful and if you have any questions, please comment down below. I’ll be more than happy to assist you.

Once again, thanks for reading my Shopify Dropshipping Academy Review and I wish you the best of luck.


Hey, I am Mike and I am a full-time affiliate marketer! Nowadays there’s a lot of people promoting guru courses and overall bad software products. I am absolutely tired of people pushing their overpriced and crappy products and courses out to everyone to take advantage of you. My mission is to review and call out bad products, software, and courses whilst recommending only the best there is! You can read a little more about my journey  here!

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