Seller Pro Academy Review: Amazon FBA Course Legit?

In this article, we’ll take a look at a course by Johnny Bradley about creating your own business on Amazon FBA. It’s focused on British citizens and people planning to sell their products on Amazon UK.

The name of the course is Seller Pro Academy, and it goes over the fundamentals of creating, launching, and scaling your FBA venture using only one product. Most of these concepts can also be applied by students around the world despite the UK focus.

But, does it succeed at what it sets out to do? Let’s find out.

About the course

The course divides into several modules; each one tackles a general stage of building your venture and contains its own set of video lessons. You also get access to a branding course and a private Facebook group.

A specialist consultant is available for support when you buy the program. Johnny himself is also reachable via email. Every two weeks, there are group calls to discuss different strategies between course members.

Additional support resources include scripts, calculators, and a 12 weeks program.

What do students get?

According to Johnny, the course has over 1,000 students actively signed up. Most of them are likely to come from the free webinar used to promote the complete program. Before enrolling, you can also watch a free “live” demo that provides a brief inside look from the sales page.

As for content, there’s actually a lot of videos here. You get around 100 different lessons detailing the different steps required to set up your own business on Amazon FBA.

The content covers product research, sourcing them, store launch, and scaling after you start making stable sales. All the steps required for each stage are covered as well.

Reviewing Seller Pro Academy

As stated, the course splits into different modules. Each module focuses on a stage necessary for building your business, and the lessons inside them go into the steps you need to take. The number of lessons might vary between the modules, depending on which ones require more depth.

Module 1

The first module is just an introduction, but it sports 15 videos, which seems like a bit too much for just an intro. Still, the content itself isn’t too redundant. You get the usual explanation of what’s the FBA program and what to expect from the course; the most interesting lessons are about private labeling and budget.

Module 2

The second module is about support details, and it covers the necessary steps to set yourself up. The module is pretty much just a bunch of resources and templates you can download.

Module 3

The third module is actually quite large, and it covers how you create your company. As we mentioned, the course focuses on the UK, and this module follows suit. Ifm you’re overseas, you’re probably not going to learn a lot from this module.

On the other hand, those inside the country should definitely pay close attention to this module.

It starts off with company and brand naming before going into why you should start an LTD. The next lesson shows you how to do just that as well as trademarking your brand. You’ll also learn how you can create your business bank account—trust me, you don’t want to use a personal account if you want to keep things straightforward.

It closes with how to hire an accountant and setting up an insurance for your business.

Modules 4 and 5

These two modules focus on the legal side of running with Amazon FBA, mostly taxation (in the UK) and duties. It also touches on account setup. The customs video is quite interesting if you’re in the UK because it delves into custom duties for both the UK and the EU in general.

You also have a nice video on how to understand your ROI and value added concepts. It closes with account setup for Amazon UK.

Module 6

This is easily the longest module here, and it’s all about product research. The content is actually quite comprehensive and revolves around a strategy recommended by the academy. There’s also a bit about goal setup, spotting opportunities, and restricted products to avoid.

It then dives into some tools you might want to integrate into your business. A highlight here is Jungle Scout, which you can use to research products after signing up online. You’re then shown how to research for products using your competitors.

The module also touches on Alibaba for both research and sourcing products. The next “tool” explained is Google Trends, which is one of my favorites. CamelCamelCamel and Peyton’s are also covered. The module closes with research analysis.

Module 7

This is another fairly extensive module, and it’s all about product sourcing—mainly from Chinese or local suppliers. It somewhat builds on product research while also touching how to find good suppliers.

It then goes into getting quotes, negotiating, and using order bundles to get discounts from your suppliers. There’s also content on getting samples and why you want to sample everything first.

The lessons then go back into branding: covering logo design and creating your own packaging. The module closes with setting up your payment options and a few tips on how you can save on exchange rates.

Module 8

The eighth module is all about shipping. It starts off with your options when it comes to shipping: air, sea, and the terminology involved in the process.

Then, you learn how to deal with taxes and duties when shipping—as well as the methods you can use for the latter. These methods include DHK and DDP, so VAT registered ventures definitely want to pay attention here.

Module 9

This module explains your seller central, how to use it, and how you want to set up everything. It kicks off by walking you through the process as well as getting the right bar codes.

After your account is ready, you learn how to create listings and variations for said listings. The module closes with shipping plan creation and what you can do in case your stock runs out.

Module 10

The tenth module dives into optimizing your product listings, and you get to see both good and bad examples. This academy is a strong supporter of prioritizing your product images as the most important factor to make sales, and a pretty long video covers this subject.

There are also different sections covering keywords, titles, descriptions, formatting, layouts, and even getting reviews when you’re just starting out. The last videos cover hijackers and how to avoid breaking Amazon’s rules.

Module 11

This is a brief module on how to use PPC ads on Amazon, researching keywords, and optimizing your marketing. There’s some nice content about targeting and manual bidding, too.

Module 12

This one is about launching your products, strategies, and implementing discount codes. You also learn a nice trick to increase the amount of reviews you get as well as why they’re important for building a business.

As for marketing, it also touches on followup mailing, creating viral launches, and how to implement social media into the process.

Module 13

This is another giant of a module, and it dives straight into sales funnels. You learn how to use ClickFunnels, fulfillment automation, and implementing your Facebook pixel into your funnels. There’s also content on email automation for your campaigns and building lists with providers like MailChimp.

It then goes into gaining opt-ins by offering free value as well as customer tracking.

Module 14

The second-to-last module is about social media marketing, focused on Facebook Ads. You’ll learn how to create your ads and building your social proof using ads.

It then explains how to collect emails for giveaways and launching products, and there’s alsoa  lesson on how you can set up your pixel to create custom audiences.

The module closes with conversion campaigns and a brief explanation of how to set up ads on Instagram as well as using influencers.

Module 15

The course closes with a brief module on assorted targeting options you have regarding categories and topics. It’s basically an explanation of how you can target specific interests like beauty, health, fashion, and other categories.

Bonus content

There’s the branding course, with about 50 lessons. It teaches you how to build both your brand and customer base. There are around 8 modules, from sales funnels to social media marketing, and new content is supposed to be coming soon.

Then, there’s support. You have the Facebook student group, a specialist consultant, and access to the author’s email—also for support.

There’s also a 12-week course called the Pro Incubator, which is basically a blueprint for your product launch, and a database with resources in case there are any doubts.


The course is £997, which amounts to about $1,200. While it’s definitely expensive, and Amazon FBA is quite a difficult business model, it’s easily among the best courses on the subject.

If you decided to start an Amazon FBA venture and just want to find the right course, then this might be what you’re looking for.

I hope you found this review useful and if you have any questions, please comment down below. I’ll be more than happy to assist you.

Once again, thanks for reading my Seller Pro Academy Review and I wish you the best of luck.


Hey, I am Mike and I am a full-time affiliate marketer! Nowadays there’s a lot of people promoting guru courses and overall bad software products. I am absolutely tired of people pushing their overpriced and crappy products and courses out to everyone to take advantage of you. My mission is to review and call out bad products, software, and courses whilst recommending only the best there is! You can read a little more about my journey  here!

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