Passive Income Lifestyle Review (ODi Productions Course)

Passive Income Lifestyle is a course by YouTuber ODi Productions. It looks to teach you how you can build an online business that will earn you profits passively regardless of where you are.

If you’re wondering about whether you should sign up or not, then we’ll answer that question today. I’ll go through the contents in each module so that you can decide for yourself if this is really the course for you and if it’s worth spending $2,497.

The course sells as the way to earn the steps you need to take to set up an online venture using affiliate marketing. Course members receive access to several videos with lessons on different topics, weekly live streams, the program’s community, and a tool that will help you research niches and products.

Mind you, this isn’t really a new program. It’s a relaunch of a course he released a couple of years ago with some updates here and there. The sales page states that you can access the course by paying 50% of its original cost, so the course is almost $5,000.

Who’s the author?

ODi Productions is quite famous on YouTube, enjoying over 200,000 subscribers, and he’s also an affiliate marketer. He regularly uploads new content, and the topics are fairly standard: recommending online businesses and strategies. Since he’s an affiliate marketer, a lot of his content revolves around it.

If you visit his website, you can learn he dropped out from the UCLA, and it has taken him 3 years to build a fortune. It has allowed him to live in 2 different cities and own expensive cars. However, if you want to know more about the guy, you must sign up to his masterclass, where he provides a case study of his story.

Keep in mind that doing so will get you into ODi’s mailing list, so you’ll start getting emails selling you his different courses.

On that note, ODi is also known for selling different courses, and we can name Affiliate Evolution as one of several released in just a couple of years. He usually prices his courses at $1,000 or more.

Reviewing Passive Income Lifestyle

This program spans 8 different weeks, and they’re called weeks because you can’t access the entire content at once. Each week unlocks new videos and topics, but if you finish a week in 2 or 3 days, you still have to wait 5 or 4 to learn more.


The first week is just an introduction to the course. It’s just an explanation of how the program works, the structure of the content, and how you can apply the lessons given here.

You’re also taught how to get to the weekly streams, the private forum, and the research tool offered as a bonus to the course; ODi also explains how to reach out for support.

Now, you have to wait the rest of the week before learning something useful…

Mindset stuff

… Except week 2 won’t teach you anything, either!

This week is just an explanation of why and how mindset is the most important thing to ODi. The lessons go through how to think and establishing habits.

You learn some mind hacks as well as how to develop daily routines to increase your productivity plus some tips.

I always find mindset and motivational videos entertaining. I’m one of those who’ll tell you that having habits and thinking properly will give you a great boost in all senses. However, waiting an entire week to learn about how to start your business just to get a motivational section is frustrating to say the least.

Understanding affiliate marketing

The 3rd week finally touches on the business model, but it’s not much consolation. It’s just a week dedicated to explaining what the model is and how it works.

Now, I seriously doubt someone would spend $2,500 on a course just because he saw an ad or someone told him “hey, affiliate marketing is good money”. I’m sure everyone taking this course already know what it is.

From that, since this module explains how the model works and why it’s a good business choice, it’s probably the 3rd consecutive week you don’t learn anything. Yes, a $2,500 course just spent 21 days without teaching something.

At least you can see some affiliate marketers and websites that found success.

Starting your business

Let me tell you something first. The 4th module is where you finally learn something about how to actually start your affiliate marketing business. However, once this week has begun, your chance to ask for a refund already expired, so this is a HUGE red flag.

With that warning aside, this course talks about how to set the foundations of your business. Lessons include how to research and choose a niche, joining programs, which platforms are the best, how to create content and research keywords, SEO, building an email list to then use for your email marketing, paid traffic, and retargeting.

It’s quite extensive, but it doesn’t really make up for the 3 weeks you just wasted.

Authority sites

Week 5 goes into what are niche authority sites, why you want to use one, and how you can build it. It’s the first method out of 4 discussed in this course, and from here, it’s 1 week per method.

After learning the fundamentals, you learn how to build an authority site. ODi also gives you 2 case studies of how he’s used these sites to find success. He says this approach has made him $500,000 from just one site, and it made him $40,000 in a month once.

Sales funnels

The 2nd approach is something called “perpetual sales funnel”, which is supposedly a sustainable source of traffic and conversions that last for a really long time. He came up with this method after a lot of testing and improvements.

After perfecting the method, he allegedly made $20,000 in a single month from a single product.

You get 4 videos:

  1. What’s the method.
  2. How it actually works.
  3. How ODi thinks you don’t really need an audience to succeed.
  4. A case study of the method working.

Personal branding

The 7th week is how to build yourself as a brand, and it works off the idea that customers prefer to connect with people than companies, and you can exploit that to your advantage.

This method requires you to be comfortable with becoming known on the internet and exposing yourself to your visitors.

The videos explain the method, which platforms work better for this, a few recommendations, and how to create a video on YouTube.

Landing pages

The last week explains how to build a single page site (called landing page). The idea is that you send traffic to it, and it works like a funnel, conditioning visitors to buy the product.

ODi advises you to use Google, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram, and he explains how to advertise on each platform.

The final videos are about installing your FB pixel, expanding the landing page, and the legal side of the business (quite a good video).


By buying the course, you also have access to a few bonuses:

  1. A weekly coaching livestream you can use to ask question. These are recorded, so don’t worry about missing them.
  2. A private forum for the community.

A research tool with recommended programs. You can use it to discover products, and it’s particularly useful for authority sites.

Final Verdict

Best Alternative

Overall, this isn’t a bad course. I’m particularly fond of how it’s structured and some of the insights provided by ODi, who’s definitely not a nobody.

However, the course is just ridiculously expensive. Sure, you get good content, but it also fails to deliver enough detail on many approaches. Besides, he doesn’t really provide a good explanation of how to actually employ each method.

And of course, you have 3 weeks filled with filler content. $2,500 means each week is about $312, so you’re paying $936 and 21 days to have ODi say hi, some motivation, and a refreshment on things you already know.

Consider Savage Affiliates, which offers a lot more detail and content, with hundreds of videos, for just $197.

I hope you found this review useful and if you have any questions, please comment down below. I’ll be more than happy to assist you.

Once again, thanks for reading my Passive Income Lifestyle Review and I wish you the best of luck.


Hey, I am Mike and I am a full-time affiliate marketer! Nowadays there’s a lot of people promoting guru courses and overall bad software products. I am absolutely tired of people pushing their overpriced and crappy products and courses out to everyone to take advantage of you. My mission is to review and call out bad products, software, and courses whilst recommending only the best there is! You can read a little more about my journey  here!

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