eCom Uni Review (Jack Bloomfield Course)

Today, we’ll be going through Jack Bloomfield’s eCommerce Uni program. I’ll give you an overview of the content you’ll get if you decide to sign up. After reading this review, you’ll have all the knowledge necessary to make a decision on whether or not you want to sign up for this class.

This course is sold as Jack’s premier program. It goes through all the steps and aspects of building an eCommerce business. In that sense, it’s also the most comprehensive training from the author. He has a second course called eCom Upskill and it’s the cheaper alternative at $80 every month.

About eCom Uni

eCom Uni comes with 35 videos in total, and they range between 7 and 15 minutes long. Each video covers a different aspect of starting an eCommerce.

It hosts on Taechables, where you both pay and access your content after signing up. There is a free trial for 5 days, but unless you decide to cancel before, it’ll turn into a fully paid subscription.

It’s odd, because even if we assume all videos are 15 minutes, the course would still be just below 9 hours, which means 5 days is more than enough to watch the entire content. I’m not so sure how the free trial works, though; I went straight to the course.

The course also focuses on 3 main objectives: starting and scaling your Shopify store, using Facebook ads effectively, and (of course) acquiring the proper mindset.

Who’s the author?

Jack is from Australia (Brisbane), and he says he’s a “teenage serial entrepreneur”. He’s 17 years old, and he’s also the founder of the Bloom Group brand, which works as the parent of all his eCommerce ventures.

He isn’t a rare sight among internet publications or companies like, who have featured him several times, covering his eCommerce success and his quick growth on the internet. You might have stumbled upon him as well if you used LinkedIn often.

He does say he’s been featured on Forbes, but I haven’t found him there, so I can’t tell you if it’s true or not.

A quick YouTube search will also yield various interviews from renowned channels like Success Resources Australia and Studio 10. Jack’s channel also has a few interviews of him on The Today Show and ABC News. These are the shorter ones, with Jack talking about his lifestyle and story, and they typically last about 5 minutes.

Jack also appears as speaker on different entrepreneurial events, including Retail Global and Success Summit.

His largest media channel is probably Instagram, where he has nearly 70,000 subscribers, and instead of filling his profile with rented cars and luxuries, you can find him sharing content from notorious figures he’s met and pictures from himself giving talks at different events.

Reviewing eCom Uni

The course isn’t really split into modules; it starts right away with the welcome video. In it, you receive an overview of what the program is and what you can expect to learn and achieve applying the content.

The 2nd video explains the dropshipping business model. It talks about what it is, the principles, how it functions, and why it works. Jack also explains how you separate failure from success when running an eCommerce.

The 3rd video is your mindset section. Jack goes into how to manage your risk, how to acknowledge your limits, the importance of knowledge, and when/how you should cut losses. For being a mindset video, it’s interestingly filled with content that you definitely can and should apply, so props here.

Video number 4 goes into setting your goals. Jack tells you how to set your spending budget and investment limitations.

The 5th video is about how to minimize your risk. You learn how to set your goals realistically, why you should sacrifice a bit of your short-term for better long-term success, how to study and learn from your mistakes, and how to dedicate your time to achieve success.

The 6th video moves onto how to set up your end goal as well as the importance of having an exit strategy in all cases. Jack also explains the right way to progress with your venture to ensure good results.

The 7th video is about the necessary aspects you want to set up and cover so that you can stay away from legal problems. It touches on the best structure, liabilities, paying taxes, and having a bank account.

There are 2 videos covering the concept of “winning products”. They teach you why you want to have practical products that you can brand; you also learn why you want to invest time into researching your items before releasing it to the market and selling it to others.

About how to find your products, Jack covers several methods. He also goes into how you can test your products without spending money, and your standard “how to find products using AliExpress” lesson. Among the strategies, you have exploiting the top selling feature, finding reputable suppliers, and using several accounts when researching.

He then goes into why logos are paramount for your store’s branding. There’s also content about which tools you can use, what you want in a logo, and he even breakdowns how an ideal logo looks; it mentions the appropriate color palette, style, and theme. Jack closes the video by explaining how to set up your social media presence.

There are 3 videos dedicated to setting up your store on Shopify, and it details the steps for building and personalizing your store on the platform. He also discusses the differences between niche and general stores and recommends a few apps.

About actually building your store and pages, you learn the basic steps for building your store. It then goes into which accounts you want to create, how to come up with a name for your store, how you should set up the layout, and how to choose a theme. You then learn how to use Oberlo for adding products, set up your domain, how different settings work, setting up your payments, and how to configure an abandoned cart as well as why that’s important.

After that, you learn how to us both upsells and cross-sells. Jack explains why they’re important if you want to increase your profits, how he sees them as “free sales”, and which apps you should use for this task.

From here, the course turns into marketing.

It starts off with a video differentiating FB ads vs influencers, explaining each approach. You lean what are IG influencers, what’s an influencer ad, and some recommendations from Jack’s own experiences.

Then, there’s a video on how to actually reach out to these influencers. It teaches you how you can find these people, how to qualify and know which ones are the bests, and what how to actually talk to them for business.

Next up, we have 9 videos covering Facebook Ads, making up the most complete section in this program.

The first videos cover basic topics: what types of ads you can use on the platform, tips to make your customers convert, creating your ands with Canva, how your ad copy should look like, how to outsource your content, an intro to the platform as well as how it works and its advantages.

It then goes into more complicated matters like retargeting, the types and when you should use it. It also talks about customer psychology and habits, how to set up a campaign, how you can test products and why, and Messenger marketing and the tools you can use for that.

The more advanced videos cover the process after finding successful ads and campaigns, for they cover ad tracking and scaling, and when you should start outsourcing your Facebook ads.

Here, the course starts another “section” into regular store management.

You have a video about what’s the best approach for fulfilling orders from your customers, and there’s another one explaining how to outsource these tasks; specifically, the second video tells you when you should do it, and which particular tasks you want to outsource.

The second-to-last video is a nice lesson on how you can take advantage of different holidays and why you should do it. Jack tells you why it’s one of the best times for eCommerce owners, what most customers tend to look for during these days, and how to find your way into the niches for each seasonal holiday.

The course ends with a video on branding. You learn why you want to build a brand, the real value behind branding, and a few tips to do it with your dropshipping business.

Bonus content

As a bonus, you have access to a monthly live group video. Jack uses this space to answer different questions from his students, and he discusses current topics related to eCommerce like trends and advice.

Listed among the bonuses, but not really a bonus, we have the private Facebook group. It’s fairly active, with about 300 students (maybe less, I didn’t spend too much time in it), and a few posts every day while I was going through the content. Just keep in mind I finished the course in a couple of days, so don’t take my word for how active the group might be.


You have 24 hours since you purchase to ask for a refund, according to the refunds policy. However, if you saw my math, you probably know you can finish the course in less time. I didn’t find any other policies, though, so I don’t know whether that’s possible or if you have to meet certain requirements.

Final Verdict

Is It Worth It? Final Verdict

eCom Uni isn’t a bad course, but I was definitely disappointed at the lack of content offered here. In fact, I’d say it’s one of the shortest courses available.

It’s also focused on just 2 marketing approaches, and you want to use as many as you can if you’re looking to succeed with eCommerce. Besides, the videos cover mostly theory and fundamentals instead of practical strategies.

I’d recommend you go for Franklin Hatchett’s eCom Elites. It’s just $197, and it provides around 7 times the amount of content offered in this course. You’ll learn the same topics with more depth, and a dozen more marketing approaches, including free traffic sources like SEO.

I hope you found this review useful and if you have any questions, please comment down below. I’ll be more than happy to assist you.

Once again, thanks for reading my eCom Uni Review and I wish you the best of luck.


Hey, I am Mike and I am a full-time affiliate marketer! Nowadays there’s a lot of people promoting guru courses and overall bad software products. I am absolutely tired of people pushing their overpriced and crappy products and courses out to everyone to take advantage of you. My mission is to review and call out bad products, software, and courses whilst recommending only the best there is! You can read a little more about my journey  here!

2 thoughts on “eCom Uni Review”

  1. DO NOT BUY ANY OF THESE COURSES FROM JACK BLOOMFIELD, HE US A CON MAN. Signed up for the first course then the took £1200 of my credit card without my consent, which I was mad about but to add insult they DID NOT give me access to the course they took the money from. They are now ignoring my emails. THIS IS A CON, BEWARE.

    • True. He did the same to me. Straight up took $2000 AUD from my bank account. Luckily I was able to get a refund. Sorry about what happened mate. Jack is just all words and no results. Biggest scam!


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