eCom Success Academy Review (Adrian Morrison Course)

Today, we’ll be going through Adrian Morrison’s course: eCom Success Academy, which is also known as its acronym, ESA. We’re going to analyze the course and its content so that you can see whether or not it’s worth spending its significant price tag. Feel free to jump straight to my conclusion if you don’t really mind knowing what’s in it.

Now, you should be careful when looking for reviews of this course since its price is a big hurdle, so many people just take a look at the content online and improvise a review.

I’m lucky I can afford this course without risking too much, but it still hurt quite a bit to get it. Thankfully, the actual content and the lifetime access to updates made it sting a bit less, but is it really worth your money?

Let’s find out.

About eCom Success Academy

ESA is a dropshipping course from the mind of Adrian Morrison. It goes through setting up your entire business using Shopify for your online store. It covers everything from setting up your venture, finding your niche, marketing with Facebook Ads, and scaling it once you’ve found success.

As I said, the price for the course is nearly $2,500 ($5 less, but it’s nothing when compared to the full price). There aren’t any policies regarding refunds and guarantees, so be mindful before buying it. Luckily, if you can run your business the right way, you should be able to make that back fairly quickly, but now you might wonder if this course can actually teach you the knowledge necessary to make that happen.

Well, that’s why we’re here.

Once you go to the members area, you’ll be treated with a video introducing you to the course and the content, and it’s your usual “this is what you can expect to learn” intro from many other courses. You can click on the button right there to go into the actual lessons since it directs you to the learning center with all the classes.

The course keeps receiving updates, and it’s already in-line for a 2020 update, so if you already bought it and feel like some parts are outdated or missing stuff, that’s probably going to get fixed soon.

Who’s the author?

Taylor owns the website, a travel blog she uses to record her experiences as well as offering worksheets, eBooks, and courses among other tools useful for digital nomads.

She started travelling in 2014 to Guatemala as a volunteer worker, and that hooked her into travelling. She’s visited almost all places in Europe and Latin America, and she started working with email marketing.

She has a Facebook group as well, and she says she’s helped many to start their remote careers. She then dedicated her time to creating courses, groups, and eBooks about getting remote work.

It’s easy to see she knows what’s she’s talking about as well.

Reviewing eCom Success Academy

The course is divided into 7 main modules, with an 8th module including different bonuses. They go from starting out with Shopify all the way to scaling your business and building on your success.

Every module is divided into subsections, and each subsection goes into specific topics explained in videos. Most subsections offer several videos, and some can get quite long and deep.

Module 1

The first module goes into how to get started with your business by creating your store and having everything ready for action.

The most intense subsection here is the first one on setting up Shopify. You get 8 videos detailing the who store creation process. It then goes into how you can add products, a few marketing strategies (including how to set up your sales page), how to build an identifiable brand, and it closes with a few Shopify sections recommending some apps you should start and a few other details.

Module 2

This is a strong module, with 15 subsections in total explaining how you can source products. There’s a lot of detail from Adrian here, but it does feature many products from Teelaunch, which other marketers are also doing.

You won’t find anything mind-blowing (unless you’re a beginner), but the information and lessons are good nonetheless. You won’t reach a decision on what you’re going to offer in your store, but you have the foundations to decide later on your own.

Adrian also grants you access to use Art licensing, and even I used this opportunity, but do note that you have a 10 artists limit, and you won’t always be able to use their works. Also, everyone taking this course has access to the same product, so you’ll probably find your preferred choices over saturated.

It starts with an intro to AliExpress, and this platform takes most subsections, with others telling you how to find and contact the best suppliers, how to negotiates their prices, and you also get a few templates and how to fulfill orders.

You have some Teelaunch products recommended in this module as well, taking 3 different subsections.

There’s another subsection on, which is from the people at AliExpress but focused on wholesaling, a $1 fulfillment strategy used by Adrian, and the bonus art access at the end.

Module 3

This module goes into Facebook marketing, and Adrian actually does a pretty good job at explaining how you should set up your ads, unlike most other courses who keep things too basic.

However, he does break the norm among other online marketers, including myself, so I can’t really tell you if these strategies are going to work for you or not. He even contradicts some of the most successful marketers, but at least he explains why he does it.

Besides that, you’ll learn how to set up your account and fan pages. He also explains the objectives and different types of ads. There are 2 subsections on targeting: one covering the concept and basics and another one building on it with more advanced strategies.

You also have some content on how to handle FB audiences and an overview of the Facebook pixel feature.

Back to ads, the next modules go into how you can write your ads and a few bidding strategies used by Adrian. You then learn how to know whether you should kill or scale an ad and how to do it. He closes with some A/B testing strategies, which is often forgotten in many courses.

It closes with a “quick start” guide for your FB marketing.

Module 4

The 4th module goes into email marketing, and it brings closure to the whole marketing portion of the course. For such an expensive program, I’d expect more advertising approaches, but perhaps they’ll be added in future updates.

You’ll learn in this module how to set up a MailChimp account, using free promo offers, what are non-openers and non-clickers and how you can use them, and more email marketing terms you’ll be applying if you go with this approach.

It’s a good module, but he doesn’t really offer anything you can’t get for free with a few Google and YouTube searches. Besides, it’s half of the marketing taught here, so you really want as much content as you want to make up for what you’re missing with this course.

Module 5

From this module onwards, you’re just going to apply the content if you’ve found success with your business and are generating sales and profits. As such, feel free to save them until you actually need them.

Anyways, the 5th module goes into how to build a team around your business by outsourcing some of the tasks and processes of your store. This module explains where you can find people, how to hire them, a couple insights on what you should look for, etc.

Just don’t expect to apply this knowledge anytime soon.

Module 6

In case your business starts racking in profits and constant sales, the 6th module explains how you should manage your business to keep it afloat and in good shape.

There’s nothing special here, but it’s a nice module that you’ll definitely appreciate if your store starts to flourish.

Module 7

The last module with actual lessons on the business goes into selling your dropshipping store. Adrian tells you how you can do it and how to know if it’s actually a good idea or if it’s too soon.

Now, this is a section that’s featured in several courses I’ve reviewed, and it’s definitely true that you can get a good amount for your store if you’re successful and manage to scale it. However, I think that if you have a highly profitable store (the kind that people would pay great amounts for), you’re better off just keeping it and hire professionals to do the tasks for you –that is, if managing it yourself is the reason you want to sell it.

You might receive hundreds of thousands, sure, but would you rather have that payment upfront or have a long-lasting income?

I’m just speaking from my opinion. I’m sure there’s someone who can just sell their store and use the money to create and scale another one. Yet, that’s not something that newcomers should be thinking about instead of actually growing a healthy business.

Still, it’s a good module, just not my cup of tea.

Module 8 (bonuses)

The 8th module comes with a bunch of neat bonuses.

You have some live coaching recordings in case you need inspiration or motivation. There’s some insight from his brother into email marketing.

Finally, Adrian offers you his Sizzle Sniper, a tool that you can use for identifying products in AliExpress and Facebook Ads performance. Besides the tool you also have a few lessons on how to use it.

Case studies

The course closes with a few case studies of different products he’s sold, and some have grazed the $500,000 mark in sales. Now, don’t expect to copy the exact same strategy as he did.

As with most case studies, the products are probably already dead or oversaturated, which is common place in eCommerce and riding trends in general. However, these case studies are great insight into what’s possible in this industry, and you can take away a few tips from them.

Final Verdict

Is It Worth It? Final Verdict

If you like Adrian Morrison and you want to buy the course (and can afford it), the do it. It’s a great course for beginners, and some intermediate entrepreneurs can learn something from it.

Just remember that the course offers no refunds, so you have to be sure. You have all the necessary knowledge to start your course despite a few missing strategies. That and the price tag are my only complaints here.

Nevertheless, you need to know that you can get the same content and a bit more for a lot less money if you buy eCom Elites from Franklin Hatchett. It offers roughly the same knowledge minus a few details.

For example, Franklin focuses in getting sales, and that’s why you have modules explaining SEO, Instagram marketing, and even lesser known approaches like Snapchat and even chat bots. On the other hand, he doesn’t really focus on selling your store or outsourcing, whereas Adrian has modules dedicated to those topics.

Bottom line, this course isn’t bad. In fact, it has a lot of knowledge, and a few tips you won’t find even in my favorite eCommerce course. However, if your objective is getting as many sales as you can with as many marketing strategies as possible (or you can’t afford ESA), then eCom Elites is a much better choice.

I hope you found this review useful and if you have any questions, please comment down below. I’ll be more than happy to assist you.

Once again, thanks for reading my eCom Success Academy Review and I wish you the best of luck.


Hey, I am Mike and I am a full-time affiliate marketer! Nowadays there’s a lot of people promoting guru courses and overall bad software products. I am absolutely tired of people pushing their overpriced and crappy products and courses out to everyone to take advantage of you. My mission is to review and call out bad products, software, and courses whilst recommending only the best there is! You can read a little more about my journey  here!

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