eCom Freedom Review (Nick Biedermann Course)

eCom courses today are everywhere, and even if some people don’t care about the business, they’re still seeing countless ads on their social media feeds. Today, we’ll be reviewing another one: eCom Freedom, by Nick Biedermann.

We’ll analyze the content, quality, and even the author, so you’ll have a clear idea about whether or not you really want this course.

So let’s dive into it.

What is it?

eCom Freedom is a course by Nick Biedermann, and he claims that you can follow his steps with the information offered in each of the videos. You can make up to $550,000 in 1 and a half years after finishing the course.

There are 9 modules on the course right now, and each comes with its own videos, some shorter and some longer. His library is updated with both produced videos and recorded live streams, and he keeps growing the course with time, which he also states during the course’s introduction.

The classes cover different topics like product research, pricing, website creation, and implementing ads to make everything more efficient. There are modules dedicated to Facebook Ads entirely as well.

Who’s the author?

Nick Biedermann is 21 years old according to the bio on his Instagram account. He says he’s the owner of several eCommerces, and he went from being completely broke to make just a bit more than half a million dollars in just 18 months.

However, there isn’t a lot of information available online. In fact, his overall internet presence is very reduced, so you won’t find out how he managed to succeed like that unless you take his course and actually learn his methods.

Additionally, as I mentioned previously, his social media presence is actually really small. It’s a problem because he has several modules dedicated solely to growing your social media influence, but it’s hard to trust someone’s knowledge when their online profiles don’t show their expertise.

His Instagram and YouTube accounts don’t have enough uploads (about 30 pictures on Instagram and a few videos on YouTube). He does have over 50,000 Instagram followers, but the lack of YouTube videos is worrying since his course is made up of videos in its entirety.

Target audience

This course aims to satisfy all audiences, from beginners to experts. There aren’t any requirements for you to sign up, and anyone can do it. You only need to be willing to learn how you can set up an online business using Shopify and take advantage of the dropshipping business model.

Reviewing eCom Freedom

There are currently 9 modules on this course, each with their own videos and topics. They’re as follows:

Introduction to the course

There’s a single video in the first module giving a general overview of the course, what it’ll teach you, and how you can use it.

Store creation

The second module is your standard tutorial for creating your shop. It starts off telling you about general and niche stores for you to choose before telling you how to actually create your store. There’s the usual steps for adding pages and your products, getting your own logos, what Shopify apps you want, and the finishing touches. The actual video about creating your store is a recorded stream nearing 20 minutes.

Researching products

This part is all about looking for products. You learn about 4 tools you can use, and Nick compares low and high ticket products before moving on the most intriguing section of this module.

Nick talks about a secret strategy he uses for finding your winning product, and he shows you one that made him almost $300,000 in just 3 months. There aren’t a lot of sensational techniques, though; it’s mostly just choosing highly rated AliExpress sellers and Facebook in tandem.

Making up to $200 in profits daily without ads spending

In here, you get an explanation of the basics of the method and a single step before seeing a 7-minute live case to illustrate things.

Basics of Facebook Ads

This is your first exposure to Facebook Ads on the course. Nicks tells you the number of ads you want to run at first, plus the structure you want for them. You also learn the mistakes you should avoid when testing your products and how to break even if something goes awry.

Starting with Facebook Ads

While the previous module was just theory, this module starts giving you the practical side of the class. It starts off by setting the business manager account on the platform. He then goes into comparing the picture vs video ads, and an overview of the testing stage before you launch your campaign.

You also receive a view of what occurs 3 days after your launch, a case study of the following 2 days, and 2 scaling levels. The last lessons explain retargeting and lookalikes.

Scaling strategies

This module offers 4 videos, and they all focus on the creation and implementation of lookalike audiences and retargeting, the last 2 concepts explained in the previous module.

There’s also some content on manual bidding and generally scaling your store as your sales and customers base grows.

Case studies

The 8th module comes with just a couple of videos of different case studies. The first one is a demonstration of how you can get $2,950 returns with an investment of just $558 in a single day, and the second one comes with a higher investment (a bit over $14,000) for a much higher profit (a bit over $43,000).


The last module simply provides answers to the most common questions regarding the business model. The answers include what to do when getting a lot of visitors but not generating sales or when Facebook Ads fail to run. Other inquiries answered include how much you should invest when starting, what to choose between Instagram influencers and Facebook Ads, and what you can do when getting returns and refunds.

More Info

The course started off quite weak, with just a few short videos for each module, and it didn’t even have half the modules it has right now. Nick has managed to change that by continuously adding more content, and it’s a proper course right now as it is.

While I applaud his willingness to improve his product, I’m still troubled by the lack of information available on both him and the classes. While finding his Instagram wasn’t the longest task, it’s mostly empty, and many of the photos look like they were taken in a single day.

The same goes for his YouTube Channel and this course. You won’t find any information online about the course itself other than a few reviews and the Teachables’ text that’s copy-pasted on other websites.

The secretiveness of it all makes me doubt whether he’s making real money from his businesses or if it’s just another strategy like the ones most online gurus use for selling their courses, which is their real business.

You may think his course isn’t expensive enough to make him a millionaire, but selling a single course each day, then he’s still making a bit over $3,300 every month, and if he sells his mentorship packages for $236, then it’s a significant boost and quite a living for someone who’s just 21.

Final Verdict

Now, eCom Freedom definitely isn’t a scam. It’s a relatively cheap course that will give you a good introduction to dropshipping, and you can certainly start your business with the knowledge given here.

However, this course really has nothing to set it apart from all the other courses online. In fact, the lack of proof backing Nick’s success makes me believe he just studied the contents online and paraphrased them into a course, perhaps even with content from similar courses.

That doesn’t mean that there aren’t helpful videos here, and especially those with zero clue on what eCommerce is and how they can start will learn a lot from it. My problem is with how gurus inflate their real success just to sell more memberships.

The basic price sans mentorship is good, I must admit. You can start anytime you want, and you have lifelong access to the content and its future updates, which increase the value you’re getting without spending more. In fact, its product-price ratio is amongst the best I’ve found online.

The content is fine, and it’s easy to watch. The only problem is the lack of backing behind its claims.

Best Alternative

I’d recommend you save up a bit more for eCom Elites, by Frankiln Hatchett. You can get it for $197 or $297 depending on the plan you want, so it’s a bit more expensive, but the extra cost is definitely worth it.

Franklin is one of the pioneers behind the popularization of dropshipping thanks to his success, and his course adapts perfectly to both beginners and advanced dropshippers who want to increase their incomes.

Not everyone is made for this business, but you can take a stroll through Franklin’s YouTube and see the comments from his students.

I hope you found this review useful and if you have any questions, please comment down below. I’ll be more than happy to assist you.

Once again, thanks for reading my eCom Freedom Review and I wish you the best of luck.


Hey, I am Mike and I am a full-time affiliate marketer! Nowadays there’s a lot of people promoting guru courses and overall bad software products. I am absolutely tired of people pushing their overpriced and crappy products and courses out to everyone to take advantage of you. My mission is to review and call out bad products, software, and courses whilst recommending only the best there is! You can read a little more about my journey  here!

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