Automated Dropshipping Mastery Review (Carl Parnell Course)

In this article, we’ll go through Carl Parnell’s dropshipping course, Automated Dropshipping Mastery. It’s definitely one of the more expensive courses we’ve reviewed here, and you’ll have to shell out $1,497 if you want to take it.

However, before you do it, read here and decide if its content matches the price it asks for. If you’re in a hurry, feel free to jump to the conclusion below.

Who’s the author?

Carl Parnell can be seen more active on his Instagram profile, where he goes by the name Carlosisis. However, he doesn’t have the largest account, barely surpassing 7,000 followers. His posts are your usual luxuries like expensive cars and travelling.

He has a YouTube channel as well, but he only had one video last time I checked. It was titled after him making 6 figures without any ads with dropshipping.

He uses that video to introduce his course, but you’ve probably not seen it since he has under 100 subscribers. I must say he’s not getting many points to his favor here.

Carl’s background is quite varied, and he seems to have a lot of ground covered. He’s apparently been a holistic trainer, dropshipper, and even bass player.

But, is his course good or not? Let’s see.

Reviewing Automated Dropshipping Mastery

Module 1

The course starts out with how to find your niche. He gives you some “secret products”, but you already know you should be careful and that people usually only give away products that are already burnt and not making any money.

It’s just logical thought: if you want to avoid competitors and find a product making you thousands, why would you send your competitors there? Probably because you want to look nice and you’re not making money from them anymore.

Module 2

The next module parts from the niche you chose and into how you can find products within it. You have videos on how you can outsource them, what to look for in your products, and how to price them correctly.

Module 3

Next up, we go into store creation, and Carl uses Shopify for this. You can look at how Carl works on his store with an over-the-shoulder angle.

There’s nothing really mind-blowing in this module, and it mostly feels like a free YouTube video, but at least you have a functioning store after finishing.

Module 4

Module 4 talks about which apps you should install to improve your store, and Carl shows you some of his own recommendations, which you probably know already since everyone else recommends the same.

If I might add something here, you’re better off getting a single premium theme like eCom Turbo, which will condense all the payments you’d have to make separately into a single subscription. Besides, it’s a lot cheaper.

Module 5

After installing apps, you learn how to set up an Instagram account, and the next module tells you why this is necessary.

The course only mentions Instagram, by the way. Don’t expect anything about Facebook, Google, etc.

Module 6

Module 6 teaches you how you can automate parts of your business by using a program made by Salesbrain; it essentially creates automatic bots for Instagram. These bots will essentially be your sales team, but Salesbrain will charge a 25% commission of your revenue, so don’t fall for the word “free” in this case.

Besides that, Carl himself gets a commission from referring this software to you. Some might even think he created the course just to sell you that platform, yet having an Instagram account filled with fake “people” is admittedly shady, and it goes against Instagram’s ToS.

Module 7

The final module is just about how you can fulfill your orders once you start getting some sales. This is a process you can simplify noticeably using a platform like Oberlo, but at least Carl brings some closure to his course.


The whopping bonus here is access to a private Facebook group. If you’ve read other reviews, you already know this is standard issue with most online dropshipping courses you can buy out there, so it’s not really a bonus.

Carl does say he’ll be there personally to help you solve any issues or doubts you might have regarding the process and software discussed in the class, but with the noticeable lack of activity in that group, I doubt he’s still checking it now and then.


This is where you realize you need to be careful here: the sales page mentions nothing about refunds, and I couldn’t find anything myself while viewing the course, so buy the course under your responsibility after reading this review.

Final Verdict

Is It Worth It? Final Verdict

Automation and simple solutions rock, and they definitely save lives and businesses, but the methods provided here are simply non-viable and could even be detrimental for your store.

Using automated bots to make sales isn’t a long-term approach to building a successful brand. If you’re serious about it, you need to put in the work instead of trying to cut as many corners as possible without thinking about the ethics or legality of the things you’re going to do.

If you see dropshipping as easy and quick money, then you should stay away from it for a while. However, if you want to work hard and build your venture, then let me recommend you something else.

For this course’s price, you can get eCom Elites (my favorite eCommerce course ever), eCom Turbo (a premium theme that is one of the highest converting themes), and a bit over $1,000 for your first ads campaign.

I hope you found this review useful and if you have any questions, please comment down below. I’ll be more than happy to assist you.

Once again, thanks for reading my Automated Dropshipping Mastery Review and I wish you the best of luck.


Hey, I am Mike and I am a full-time affiliate marketer! Nowadays there’s a lot of people promoting guru courses and overall bad software products. I am absolutely tired of people pushing their overpriced and crappy products and courses out to everyone to take advantage of you. My mission is to review and call out bad products, software, and courses whilst recommending only the best there is! You can read a little more about my journey  here!

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