7 Figure Shop eCom Secrets Review (Rafael Cintron Course)

This is yet another $997 dropshipping course, placing itself on the upper average regarding pricing. I’m not particularly fond of that price because I still haven’t found any that’s worth that money, so let’s hope this one breaks the streak.

Is the 7 Figure Shop eCom Secrets the course you’re looking for? Or is it just another cashgrab with content grabbed from YouTube? Let’s find out.

Who’s the author?

Rafael is one of those YouTube gurus claiming to make 7 figures from eCommerce ventures. His YouTube has built a modest following, already surpassing the 10,000-subscriber mark that may seem to struggle with.

He posts quite regularly, with at least one video each week, and his topics include product recommendations, getting celebrities to promote your business, how to sell products, and your usual case studies.

If you’re good at paying attention, you’ll soon find out the real goal behind his YouTube channel: using free training to advertise his paid course. I’m OK with this since he’s giving you some value to start with, and it’s also a good preview of the quality you’re going to get with the course.

However, it’s still basic content, so it makes you assume the course will be just as basic.

There’s also a really curious “thing” about Rafael Cintron.

He has several courses available on Udemy, and they’re all completely unrelated to eCommerce and his YouTube content. His Udemy courses focus on life and motivation: social anxiety, enhancing productivity, and building confidence.

It might be someone else (with the same face and name), but it still makes you wonder if he’s a real master of everything.

His Bio page says that he makes courses to help people improve their lifestyle and reach general success in all areas. He’s apparently just a super altruistic guy who knows how to do everything.

Either that, or he’s a serial course maker who releases courses on any trending topic right now to make some quick money.

I’m not judging anyone, and he wouldn’t be the first one. It only takes a bit of research into what people are buying. However, it’s still a good indicator of how genuine his eCommerce course might be.

Reviewing 7 Figure Shop eCom Secrets

The first thing that makes me doubt it is the different names it seems to go by. I decided to go by 7 Figure Secrets because it was the most common one, but you also have “eCommerce Profits/Secrets Inner Circle”. The first variation (profits) is even the name of the first module, so that’s probably the official name.

Still, most people know it as 7 Figure Secrets.

That’s a huge red flag. Branding is one of the most important features you want in your store; it’s what sets you apart from everyone else doing the same thing.


The first module is just a single video spanning less than 2 minutes. It’s just an introduction into what you can expect from this course.

I guess it’s a standard approach, but with courses offering at least a “mindset” or motivational video here, it feels quite lazy.

Starting out

The 2nd module offers 3 more videos than the last one, and it shows you how you can set up your store, email, payments, and it closes with a few tips to increase your conversion.

The longest video spans 45 minutes, and I don’t know if that’s good or bad, but I’m just letting you know. Some people like it that way, but others prefer to have them, chunked down to make it digestible.

Finding products

This module then teaches you about how you can research and find selling products. It spans 8 videos covering several topics.

It’s your standard content: finding your niche, validating your products with AliExpress, and a few apps you can use as well: Pexda, Oberlo, and an app called DSers that he believes works better than Oberlo.

Regarding the steps to finding products, you have 3 videos. One of them is a live call, so it’s at least an amusing way to make things more interesting.

Facebook Ads

There are 9 videos making up the “basics” of Facebook Ads. It’s quite basic and short, especially considering that many businesses rely solely on Facebook Ads for their marketing.

However, the content here is how to set up your account, studying your competitors, ad conversion and targeting, using video ads, and setting up lookalike audiences.

It’s just stuff you can find on YouTube if you want the same depth offered here.

Facebook Ads (advanced)

While you might feel relieved to receive a second module on such a critical topic, you’re only getting a third of the videos in the previous section.

They cover scaling your lookalike audiences, dynamic targeting, and how to determine the best ads in your selection for then scaling them.

Even if you combine both modules, you’re still getting basic content with nothing really special, despite what the second title tells you. Most strategies are only given as an overview, and you shouldn’t expect depth.

Google Ads

This section seemingly teaches you how to “dominate” Google Ads with just 7 videos covering Tag conversions, campaigns for specific products, retargeting, and which keywords you should avoid.

The videos also feel a bit random, as if he just Googled terms related to Google Ads and picked a bunch for his course. There are entire Google marketing courses, so don’t expect to be a master with this one.

Marketing on Instagram

Being another vital part of some stores’ marketing, the Instagram module falls short as well. You have the basics like how you can use Instagram to test products, keeping tracks of the shout-outs from influencers, and scripts you can use for contacting them.

You won’t feel surprised even if you’re a beginner, so it’s just here to give you a general idea.

Content marketing/SEO

I was a bit excited when I saw the title for the 6th module since content marketing is one of my favorite marketing methods, and many courses completely skip it along with SEO.

However, once you get to it, it’s pretty disappointing. There’s only one video spanning 20 minutes, and it’s a recorded call with someone in the UK who’s the owner of an SEO agency.

He speaks about SEO in general, but it just feels like a conversation, avoiding intricate details.

It’s basic stuff where you can hope to pick up a couple of useful tips. However, the best choice is to simply use Google to find articles about how to apply SEO to your business.

Recommended apps

I’m annoyed at the title of this module since it says it’ll help you make $5,000 extra; that’s why I always choose to just name the modules myself when reviewing according to what they really are.

Still, apps help you get some extra income, so it’s neat to see the recommendations.

You have the Loox reviews to boost your conversions, and other apps include Recart and SMSBunch; these are the most worthwhile in my opinion.

However, Rafael doesn’t seem to know that getting a good premium theme lets you just ditch all apps and save quite a bit of money every month. The best premium themes already include all those features, and since they’re coded in, they don’t affect your website’s speed.

Some of my favorite themes aren’t even expensive, and most will cost less than all the recommended apps here combined.

Hiring virtual assistants

This module is another single-video section with a few tips for hiring a virtual assistant like going into Fiverr or Upwork.

The video is merely 6 minutes, and you won’t need to hire a virtual assistant until a good while down the road, so this module is just a complete waste.

High ticket webinars

This module offers about how you can get higher margins by selling high ticket items (furniture, electronics, and mostly things costing over $1,000), and he explains it with 2 webinars.

Now, it’s easy to like the idea: selling expensive stuff you don’t have to keep in your stock and still keep the profits. The truth is that selling these is much more difficult since people are less likely to buy a TV set for $5,000 just because they stumbled upon it on their Facebook feed.

Besides, if there are any refunds or returns, chances are you’ll be paying for that, and if someone decides to pull a credit card fraud on you, you have to pay for the product.

Email marketing

This is pretty much a module explaining why it’s important to use this method, especially for abandoned carts.

However, you can get the same training from emailing apps or premium themes that already have this feature included like eCom Turbo.

Besides being short, it can even confuse some of the newer students.


There are 5 bonuses included in this course.

First, you get a live call with Rafael. You also have access to mentoring calls with the other members every 2 weeks to ask and answer different questions. Keep in mind that group calls can get confusing, so don’t take this as the only selling point.

You also have access to Rafael through messenger, but there’s no reassurance that it’s actually him and not just a VA taking care of the chat. That’s probably it, though; he must be busy creating his other dozens of courses on how to evolve your lifestyle.

Some bonuses are just assorted tips for marketing on Facebook, Instagram, and Google. I wouldn’t consider these bonuses, though; they should’ve been included in the main training to see if they can be a bit better and more in-depth.

Making bonuses out of areas that are covered in the main course makes the entire thing look unprofessional and just mashed together and hoping for cohesiveness.

The last bonus is also something I can’t consider as such: access to the private Facebook group. This is standard in most courses today, so it should come as just a given instead of a bonus.

Final Verdict

Is It Worth It? Final Verdict

Simply put, this course disappointed me. $997 always suggest good value, but it seems it’s just the default price tag for people looking to profit from those looking to get into eCommerce.

Overall, the course just lacks the content it should have for the asking price. It’s not bad, it’s just not enough.

It simply makes it better to spend $300 on eCom Elites plus eCom Turbo and use the remaining $697 for a good marketing strategy to get you more sales.

You’re not just getting the same content for less, but you’re actually buying a far better course, with hours of content spread over 180+ videos filled with the knowledge you need to start. And don’t worry about missing Rafael’s preferred apps, for eCom Turbo already offers the same features (and more) for a lower price.

I hope you found this review useful and if you have any questions, please comment down below. I’ll be more than happy to assist you.

Once again, thanks for reading my 7 Figure Shop eCom Secrets Review and I wish you the best of luck.


Hey, I am Mike and I am a full-time affiliate marketer! Nowadays there’s a lot of people promoting guru courses and overall bad software products. I am absolutely tired of people pushing their overpriced and crappy products and courses out to everyone to take advantage of you. My mission is to review and call out bad products, software, and courses whilst recommending only the best there is! You can read a little more about my journey  here!

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